Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Take Whats Mine

Im better. Ive been lifting still. At the 30,000 mark...but Ive been doing running also. I didnt know I could hit a bit over 300 mph....it was very intresting. I started working with flight...and all of that. And im loving the results. Although Im still pretty buff, I still have curves...and guys are still drooling...although some are in fear. And for those ones who dont like me...who cares, if there one of you who likes me... theres 100 who hate me. Onto the reason why...ive named this...that.

My bro Louis.

He doesnt care I exist...hell everyone in the family repects me..but he doesnt. So I had to talk to him. And see why he hated me so much. So we met in the gym the rest of the family met in, and I asked him why. He replied, "Girls shouldnt be strong. They shoul be below men...and just because youre stronger and everything doesnt mean youre higher! It just means youre a sterioid freak."
My heart sank. And I didnt know what to say. I mean, I was a heroine at times...at other times I had..."indulgences"...but I was still the same person. I walked up to him...I guess I finished my height spurt...cause I was at 6' 7 now. And I looked deep into his eyes, saying, "I dont care...what you say...or what you do. All I need is your respect...and I wont bother you for anything else." He just laughed at me and kept walking away....so I gave into my impulses...and grabbed his arm saying,
"I wasnt done with you yet."
He replied,
"I dont care. Were done she bulk."
And it was then I snapped. I didnt want to...but...I sorta felt how some females would feel when theyre dealing with an idiot and theyre trying to get a simple point across and wishes they cold smack them? Yeah. I smacked him...pretty hard for a human. Hard enough he was hunched over for a bit screaming in pain. I put my hands on his ribs and healed him a little (another ability I seemed to have) and let him go.
"I wont do much more."
I told him. I left the room sighing too. I mean...I wont hit him till he repsects me. Ill let him come to me now. Just as long as someone repsects me...Ill be happy. Im not even sure if I should have a heroine name...maybe Vixen...or Alpha...or something cool. I definatly need a hero name...


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